As part of measures to boost skills of staff in managing records at the various units and departments of the Assembly, three days training had been held for about one hundred (100) staff of the Ellembelle District Assembly in Nkroful.
Addressing participants, the District Co-ordinating Director, Mr. Emil Tawiah Atsu indicated that management realized some gaps in the management of records at the Assembly which informed the training.
He said since records management is the heartbeat of every organization, there was the need to train staff to get things done appropriately because the existence of the Assembly depends on its records.
He therefore prevailed upon staff to take the training serious for it to be evident in their work delivery.
He again expressed the hope that after the training, records management in the Assembly would improve.
For her part, Ms. Priscilla Darkoa Gyimah, Regional Archivist of the Public Records and Archives Administrative Department (PRAAD) from the Western Region indicated that records management involves the act of caring for records for both administrative purposes as well as to serve as evidence of an organization’s work.
She pointed out that most alleged embezzlement cases in prominent establishments have not been that top management indeed squandered funds but partly due to their inability of keeping proper records of events.
She indicated that the training session would be interactive and participatory, therefore, she urged participants to freely contribute to relate well with the topics that would be treated.
The training took participants through overview of records management, records life cycle, records purpose and types, filing and file management, misfiling, file control mechanisms, classification and indexing of files, registries and their management, security grading of records, protection and disaster control, legal framework for managing records in Ghana and decongestion of the registry.
The training ended with post training evaluation and presentation of certificates to participants.